Sensing God
by: Rachel NeumeisterIf you’re like me, you will struggle every once in awhile (if not regularly) with sensing and feeling God. Oftentimes He feels so distant and even though we’ve been told time and again that He is always there, we are alone. As the cold sets in, days get shorter and stress gets higher, spiritual dryness creeps in on us. Although these few months of the year may be difficult, it helps (me, at least) to see God in everything.
The majestic trees on campus seem to possess God’s presence: the array of colors in the fall, their strength through the winter storms; they are unchanging from season to season.
People on the bus make me realize how blessed I am to know the truth. One can only imagine the walks of life they have come from, and how desperately each one needs to know the truth. From the pregnant teenager to the sad old man, God loves each one of them as much as He does you or I.
Clear your thoughts. It’s no wonder we feel God is distant when we crowd our schedules; he doesn’t even get a chance to enter our thoughts. Take time to simply sit and think. At least give God the opportunity to reveal himself!
Think of the wonderful privilege we have of attending Emmanuel Bible College with those of the same faith who have chosen to dedicate this season of their lives to seek God’s will. To be able to live in a community of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is something that some believers can only wish for.
Think of His sheer size. “Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? …He picks up the islands as though they had no weight at all (Isaiah 40:12, 15). And yet He still longs to be our friend, as insignificant as we are in this universe.
Take a camera and go for a walk. Take pictures of things that display God’s handiwork, or things that mean something to you.
Peter warns us that we will have hardships in this life. It is important to acknowledge that we are only human and are weak in and of ourselves. If we prepare ourselves for this period of the year, perhaps will be stronger and better equipped to weather the storm.